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How to Win 👌 in the c3 Sicilian in 21 moves or less! - FM Alisa Melekhina (Sicilian Alapin)

How to Win 👌 in the c3 Sicilian in 21 moves or less! - FM Alisa Melekhina (Sicilian Alapin)

Win your own brilliant miniatures by learning the c3 Sicilian, an opening you can master with just a few easy-to-learn ideas! Get the ultimate training with GM Ron Henley’s 21 hour “Crushing Black with the c3 Sicilian”. Get instant access AND a 35% discount here ► Want a near unbeatable 👊 chess opening? FM Alisa Melekhina shows how to sidestep Sicilian Defense theory and catch your opponents out with your own chess opening tricks! The c3 Sicilian (also known as the Sicilian Defense Alapin variation) is a fantastic opening weapon against Sicilian players. This game demonstrates the typical plans in the c3 Sicilian for White, including how to execute a crushing piece attack against the Black king. Black chose a slightly inferior line, allowing White to get an advantage with simple and natural developing moves. These moves lead to a tactical miniature, typical of the Sicilian Alapin and proving that it is not at all a "quiet opening." Even the strongest of players are not immune from having to play precisely against the c3 Sicilian. This opening is ideal for those who don't have time to learn all the Open Sicilian Defense theory but like to play systematic openings based on ideas. The chess openings database is full of quick wins for White in the c3 Sicilian. Alisa Melekhina identifies the targets available to White and explains how and why White’s attacking plan works. Master these few simple rules and you will become a chess openings pro, an expert in the Sicilian Alapin striking fear into your rivals and racking up tournament points against anyone who dares to play 1…c5. Learn how to play the c3 Sicilian as White properly and you will have a reliable chess opening for life. Alisa Melekhina is a FIDE master with one International Master Norm. She started playing at age 5 and entered her first tournament at age 7. In less than three years, she was winning prestigious international tournaments and has competed 4 times for the U.S. Women's Championship. Alisa is currently entering her third and final year of law school at the University of Pennsylvania. ► Corresponding article from this video with extra goodies: ►Learn more about the c3 Sicilian: ► Come checkout the shop, we have the world’s largest collection of chess videos and chess courses: ********** Other Videos from iChess ********** ► Subscribe to our main Youtube Channel: ► Check out award winning Master Method video series: Checkout our most recent video: ********** FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL: *********** Facebook: Twitter: YouTube: ********** Our Other YouTube Channels *********** iChess Ch 2: iChess en español:
The Killer French with GM Simon Williams - General Concepts (GingerGM) French Defense

The Killer French with GM Simon Williams - General Concepts (GingerGM) French Defense

♕ 10 GM SECRETS: 10 HOUR VIDEO ►: ♕ MORE ►: | The French Defense is one of the most popular chess openings ever, having been played by many world chess champions and top players throughout the history of the game. The French Defense is known as one of the most solid openings black can employ against 1. e4 as black usually obtains a slightly cramped but strong position in the center with his pawns on e6 and d5. In today´s world of chess, Grandmaster Simon Williams is a leading expert on the French Defense and has been playing this system for more than 20 years! In the below chess video excerpt from the chess DVD ¨The Killer French¨ GM Williams explains many of the typical counterattacking patterns that black employs to strike at white´s center. The very nature of the French Defense dictates that white can obtain a lasting space advantage in the center with pawns on e5 and d4. The main debate is whether these pawns are a strength for white and cramp black´s position, or if these pawns are over-extended and black can obtain active counterplay against them. GM Williams does an excellent job of describing common ways for black to generate energetic pressure against white´s center in the below chess video excerpt. More on the French Defense:
Best Chess Openings 😲 Colle-Zukertort System - GM Susan Polgar (Chess For Beginners)

Best Chess Openings 😲 Colle-Zukertort System - GM Susan Polgar (Chess For Beginners)

Want to know the best chess openings that don't require endless hours of studying theory? 🤔 GM Susan Polgar has used the Colle-Zukertort System with great success. Get instant access to the full course with 50% off. ► Chess openings can be a tough place for the beginner player as it can be very difficult to think of new ideas that are really the best moves in unfamiliar positions. Sure, you can follow well-known fundamental concepts such as control the center, develop your pieces, and get your king safe - however if you suddenly find yourself in a sharp position early in the game you might not be able to fight your way back! The Colle-Zukertort is one of the best chess openings for White that doesn't involve memorising endless lines of theory. As a beginner chess player, it is recommended that you spend most of your study time concentrating on the middlegame and the endgame, as they are the most important phases of the game. It's really only the full-time chess professionals who have the time to delve into complicated openings, analysing and memorising lines and variations fifteen, twenty or more moves deep. At lower levels, memorising moves isn't a good idea, because if you don't understand the reason behind the moves, it is easy to go wrong as soon as the opponent plays a move you hadn't prepared for! This chess opening is good because White can decide how to proceed in the game. White can either attack on the kingside, or can choose to open up the center and create an attack there. The Colle opens with 1. d4 d5 2. Nf3 e6 3. e3 Nf6 4. Bd3. Black has a number of responses here, but in this Chess For Beginners video, Susan Polgar concentrates on the main move 4...c5. The Zukertort System is where White plays b3 and fianchettoes the queen-side bishop. After going over the basic ideas of the opening, a typical game is analysed between Maroczy and Blake, to help you see the ideas in action and better understand them so you can use them in your own games. ► Corresponding article from this video with extra goodies: **** ****** ► Come checkout the shop, we have the world’s largest collection of chess videos and chess courses: ********** Other Videos from iChess ********** ► Subscribe to our main Youtube Channel: ► Check out award winning Master Method video series: Checkout our most recent video: ********** FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL: *********** Facebook: Twitter: YouTube: ********** Our Other YouTube Channels *********** iChess Ch 2: iChess en español:
Chess Openings: How to beat Alekhine's Defence
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