Chess Tips & Tricks #1 [Attacking the Uncastled King]
Chess Tips & Tricks #1 [Attacking the Uncastled King]
In this video we go over a highly common error between amateurs. beginner players typically overlook defending their king by customarily castling. As a result they make their whole position bad because they endanger their team and become targets for the opponents pieces. In this video we show a classical example exemplifying tips and tricks to dismantle opponents that refuse to castle.
Videos by FM Charles Galofre.
Charles is a leading expert in the field of competitive chess, with an established title from the world chess federation. He is also a lecturer and has a recognized video column for the leading online chess community. He has personally published more than 120 chess videos, and helped co-produce over 400 video projects with names such as GM Roman Dzindzichashvili, GM Eugene Perelshteyn, GM Melik Khachiyan, IM Sam Shankland, and many more. He's been featured in CNN, USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, and The Miami Herald, for his participations in the final four of intercollegiate chess. Recently, he is redefining the way chess is presented over the internet, by promoting and educating through social media and live-stream broadcasting.